Страница Demi Lovato ВКонтакте

Фотография человека Demi Lovato ВКонтакте

Demi Lovato

Nashville, США

Коротко обо мне

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Была онлайн ВКонтакте

10 мая 2013 в 06:57

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I'm singer and actress

Персональные настройки профиля

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Параметры профиля

Семейное положение и семья

Интересы и увлечения

Пару слов о себе

Majli Sajrus was born in the city of Nashville, the State of Tennessee, in Billi Reja family and Tish (Летисии) Sajrus. Parents have named it Destini Hope (English Destiny — cудьба, Hope — hope), having a presentiment that she will achieve in life [1] much. In the childhood it has received a nickname of Majli (Miley, derivative from Smiley — smiling) as was the cheerful smiling child [1]. Majli have two big brothers — Trejs and Brejson, elder sister Brendi and younger sister Noa. Brother Majli, Trejs, is a part of popular group Metro Station. In spite of the fact that the sound recording company of her father was against, parents of Majli have got married a year later after its birth — on December, 28th, 1993. For this moment her mother Tish already had two children — Trejsa and the Brandy. Bills of Rej has adopted them when they were small. Майли also has stepbrother Christopher Kodi who is son Billi Reja. He lives with mother in South Carolina. At Tish and Bills of Reja, besides Majli, also are son Brejson and daughter Noa. Godmother Sajrus is singer Dolli the Parton, and politician Ronald Rej Sajrus who has died in 2006 was the grandfather. Майли has grown on a farm in Franklin, the State of Tennessee and went to one of local schools (Heritage Elementary School). In the childhood she regularly visited church and at one time carried «a purity ring». In 2008 Sajrus has officially changed a name for Majli Rej [2].

Любимые телешоу

No soch. _____________"M, ____.mM" _____________IMIm_, mIM" ____________, MI:"IM, mIMm _______"IMmm, ____, IM::::IM::IM, _______, m" _______ "IMMIMMIMm::IM:::::IM""==mm, mIM" ______, mIM::::::MIM:::::::IM::::mIMIM", mMIMIMIIMIMM::::::::mM::::::::IMIMIMIMMM" IMM:::::::::IMM::::::M::::::::IIM:::::::MM, "IMM::::::::::MM:::M:::::::IM:::::::::::IM, __"IMm::::::::IMMM:::::::IM:::::::::::::IM, ___"Mm:::::::::IM::::::MM::::::::::::::::IM, ____ IM:::::::::IM::::::MM::::::::::::::::::IM, ____MM::::::::IM:::::::IM::::::::::::::::::IM ____"IM::::::::IM:::::::IM:::::::::::::::::IM;. ____"IM::::::::MM::::::::IM::::::::::mm­mIMMMMMMMm, . _____IM::::::::IM:::::::IM::::mIMIMM"""". .. "IMMMM ______"IM::::::::IM::::::mIMIMM"". . . . . ., mM" "M _______IMm:::::::IM::::IIMM" . . . . . .., mMM" ______"IMMIMIMMIMM::IMM" . . . ._., mMMMMM" _______, IM". . ."IMIM". . . ., mMMMMMMMM" ______, IM . . . ., IMM". . ., mMMMMMMMMM" ______IM. . . ., mIIMM, . . ..mMMMMMMMMMM" _____, M".., mIMMIMMIMMIMmmmMMMMMMMMMMMM"­ ____ IM., IMI""_______""IIMMMMMMMMMMM ____;IMIM"___________""IMMMMMMM _____""_______________"IMMMMM _____________________"IMMM _____________________"IMM, ______________________"IMM _______________________"MM, _______________________IMM

Любимая музыка

I love my music)

Любимые цитаты

It is possible to supervise emotions, but not heart beat...
It is impossible to lose what isn't present, but it is possible to lose that you appreciate most of all.

It is impossible to be on friendly terms with the person whom you love...

It is heavy to be on friendly terms, when it would be desirable to kiss*))
____$$$$$$$ ;????¶¶¶????$$$$$$$

Жизненная позиция

Полит. предпочтения


Главное в жизни

Карьера и деньги

Главное в людях

Смелость и упорство

Отношение к курению

Резко негативное

Отношение к алкоголю


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