Страница Вадима Озерова ВКонтакте

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Вадим Озеров

Статус: I want to deliver salvation... not just consolation.

Коротко обо мне

Мой город








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25 сентября 2024 в 21:58

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Пару слов о себе

if I can't have me, then no one can

Любимые цитаты

I don’t want to live forever, I just want to live right now.
I found myself by losing hope, I lost my way to find a home, I hid myself to stay alive.
Past cannot be altered. Present holds but regret and loss. It is only in the days to come that a man may find solace, when memory fades.
To prevent rusting of iron, zinc has to sacrifice himself.
Guide this one to where the traveler never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve.
Cause In the company of hope - We don't have to feel alone.
I trust in your smile. I won't care whether you are soulless or not.
Accept the Pain, just to feel Again.
In multa Sapientia Multus sit Maeror.
Legends are but bones and meat of dreams, rotting in the harsh sun of reality.
No rest for the wicked/
I want to deliver salvation... not just consolation.
Lustum enim est bellum quibus necessarium, et pia arma ibi nulla nisi in armis spes est.
Our journey may have been meaningless. Our past may have been a mistake. But we're not going back. Even if this world comes to an end. Because this... This is the world with the people we cherish.
In the darkness, only ambition will guide you.
Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.
Obligation without right is slavery, right without obligation is anarchy
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on the fighting the old but on building the new
Lex specialis derogat generali
A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself
«Находя богатство, теряете совесть. Находя женщину, теряете рассудок. Находя истину, теряете веру. И только потеряв всё, находите свободу»

This life was all it had to be
Designed but not for you and me
I never needed you to be
Anything more than human

Жизненная позиция

Главное в жизни


Главное в людях

Смелость и упорство

Отношение к курению

Резко негативное

Отношение к алкоголю

Резко негативное

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