Страница Mrskim Mrskim ВКонтакте

Фотография человека Mrskim Mrskim ВКонтакте

Mrskim Mrskim

30 лет, Seoul, Южная Корея
Статус: In a drama there must be rioters, the same in reality | More hard I'm trying to forget, more pains come to me. -Myself October, 2012 ❤

Коротко обо мне

Моя страна

Южная Корея

Мой город








Дата рождения

18 июля 1993

Полных лет

30 лет

Дополнительная информация

Была онлайн ВКонтакте

09 апреля 2015 в 03:26

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Everything I can do

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서울공연예술고등학교 (School of Performing Arts Seoul)

Интересы и увлечения

Пару слов о себе

Roleplayer of SHINee's Taemin. I love my husband JJONGoe. ♥ I love my little baby HYEJOO. ♥ I love my bias EUNHYUK. ♥ I love my twin(look alike Taemin) KAI ♥ I love TAEKAI couple ♥ Ali - Hurts is my fav song, it succeed to made me cry because this song made my mind replay about "Flashback". Go hear it ^^ I have a weak heart, be careful. I am a childish, understand me. And I am a jealousy, remember. I am spoiled, I am a care person, I am weak, but doesn't mean I can not be a cold person. I will be a cold person when I am sad, mad, upset.. And don't ask me the reason. Do not lying to me, I hate it. Even I tried my own self to be a honesty person. Tell me if you have a problem with me, do not try to stab me from behind. Be careful of your words toward me, you might say rude or harsh words to the other but not to me. You will simply hurt me. I easily crying, yes because I am a crybaby. But no one will know. Because I'm professional on Smiling, I'm the greatest actor.. uh no, actress? Well, whatever haa I have no words to close this thingy, I'm always being a speechless. Well then, bye. Go add me and do talk, but no ignore.. deal? Don't worry, I won't eat you. Unless you touch My HUSBAND. L.o.L kbye

Любимые телешоу

MCountdown? K-POP Mania?

Любимые книги

Comics, Novels, including to books too right?

Любимая музыка

SHINee, Lee HI, Super Junior, Kim Soo Hyun, IU

Любимые цитаты

More hard I'm trying to forget,
More pains drove to get my heart.


I hate a liar. So if you are, please walk off me.
And write on your note please, I'm not a toy.
I have a heart. Once you hurt it, no more trust left.

Keep smile x) ♥
Eventhough it hurts x')

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Have no

Жизненная позиция

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Карьера и деньги

Главное в людях

Доброта и честность

Отношение к курению

Резко негативное

Отношение к алкоголю

Резко негативное


Too perfect/? -o-

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