Страница Sakunosuke Oda ВКонтакте

Фотография человека Sakunosuke Oda ВКонтакте

Sakunosuke Oda

28 лет, Yokohama, Япония

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Дата рождения

26 октября 1995

Полных лет

28 лет

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23 августа 2019 в 08:46

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Mafia Member

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Sakunosuke was hired to supposedly kill a certain lady, a company president, but was framed up by the president's secretary. He was captured and put in a room adjacent to the office with both his hands and legs tied to a chair and a sack over his head. His belongings are laid out in a table behind him. Fukuzawa Yukichi was the president's hired bodyguard, and, after taking knowledge that his client has died by being pushed off her office window, came to see the scene of the crime and the captured assassin. Fukuzawa decides to test just how good Sakunosuke as an assassin. Picking up a pen from Sakunosuke's belongings, he sends out killing intent together with quick-drawing the pen (like a sword) at him. Sakunosuke successfully dodges even without seeing what Fukuzawa was doing by moving sideways, making himself topple on the floor, still tied on the chair; this impresses Fukuzawa and he makes the deduction that Sakunosuke is no ordinary assassin, and must have been paid a high sum of money. After Ranpo Edogawa comes in the office looking for employment and ends up revealing bit by bit to Fukuzawa how the secretary did the murder, Sakunosuke makes his move and undoes the binds on his legs, enabling him to move around. Him and Fukuzawa had a short crossing of blows, but Sakunosuke eventually successfully gets a hold of his gun. At that moment, Fukuzawa realizes who his opponent was, but before he can stop Sakunosuke, he has shot the secretary dead—all that with a sack over his head and his hands still tied behind him. Fukuzawa was distracted for a moment with the dead secretary, and that was when Sakunosuke made his escape. Sakunosuke was first seen drinking in a bar with Osamu Dazai and Ango Sakaguchi. The three of them converse like old friends, an odd sight considering their respective positions in the mafia—Dazai, one of the five executives; Ango, an intelligence member; and him, a low ranking member who is only assigned the most trivial of tasks due to his refusal to kill. After some idle chatter, they say goodbye for the night, but not before Dazai convinces Ango to take a photo of the three of them to commemorate their friendship. He was called out by Ougai Mori a few days later. The leader of port mafia informed him that Ango had gone missing ever since that night, and tasked Oda with tracking the man down. Though confused at Ougai's choice of assigning him that mission, he nonetheless set out to investigate Ango's room. During his investigation, he was assaulted by members of Mimic, an organization that is seeking to wage war against Port Mafia, and discovered an old gun hidden in Ango's room - the same model that identifies Mimic members. Dazai also commented that Ango was lying about what he did on the day the three of them met up at a bar - further increasing Oda's suspicions. Distraught at the possibility of Ango being a double agent for Mimic, he went to visit the five orphans he adopted. Seeing them happy and well reassured Oda a little, and reaffirmed his decision to leave the mafia as soon as the children were grown enough to support themselves. Later, he received a call from Dazai. The mafia had discovered new clues about where the Mimic members may be hiding, and Dazai urged Oda to go and watch the location first. However, Oda decided that he wanted to investigate the building before Dazai and his subordinates came, in fear of them finding more damning evidence against Ango. He found Ango in the building, bound to a chair next to a time bomb. Oda hauled Ango out of the building and barely managed to escape the explosion unscathed. At this point Oda had figured out that Ango wasn't a double agent for Mimic - but a double agent for the mafia. He disappeared because his status as a spy was revealed to Mimic. Ango told Oda some information about Mimic's commander - a man named Andre - but soon left with a group of black uniformed men that

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