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Фотография человека Эдварда Каллена ВКонтакте

Эдвард Каллен

38 лет, New York City, США

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New York City






Robert Thomas Pattinson



Дата рождения

13 мая 1986

Полных лет

38 лет

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17 декабря 2011 в 17:02

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Список из 99 профилей друзей

Франків Оля
Чмаф Сабина
Исмаил Дарина
Каллен Алена
Сысоева Александра
Чёрная Алёнка
Каллен Каралайл
Буримова Наташа
Каллен Ренесми
Pavlova Lida
Барских Ника
Игнатова Виктория
Юдоева Алиса
Swan Bella
Стюарт Кристен
Мочульская Валерия
Шамсутдинова Лилиана
Гришко Марина
Барашкина Маша
Хейл Джаспер
Вишенковая Вишня
Добрев Нина
Лисова Ксюха
Андреева Анастасия
Охотская Светлана
Cullen Bella
Каллен Элис
Denali Tanya
Долматова Елена
Black Jacob
Molinova Kristinka
Тарасова Вика
Мачеус Инна
Лемехов Вова
Галкина Анастасия
Абрамович Юлька
Vinogradova Masha
Чернова Настюша
Виноградова Ксения
Свенссон Елена
Свон Белла
Абрамов Вася
Свон Белла
Свон Белла
Callen Edward
Стюарт Кристен
Абрамович Ритка
Каллен Эдвард
Барских Катька
Абрамович Настя
Свон Белла
Каллен Розали
Стюарт Кристен
Свон Белла
Свон Белла
Абрамович Линка
Иванова Катя
Свон Белла
Swan Bella
Освальд Милена
Стюарт Кристен
Ищейка Виктория
Swan Bella
Каллен Элис
Свон Белла
Элис---Каллен Эшли---Грин
Юшманова Лерочка
Кучербаева Кристюша
Винчестерова Леся
Каллен Элис
Каллен Красотка-элис
Вербена Анастасия
Хейл Джаспер
Абармович Лера
Stewart Kristen
Swan Bella
Каллен Белла
ღcullenღ ღmaryღaliceღ
Александрова Леся
Swan Isabella
Alexia Miss
Новецка Алена
Каллен Белла
Каллен Карлайл
Феллини Лера
Свон Белла
Cullen I'm
Хочу-крови Виктория
Cullen Renesmee
Styuart Kristin
Вольтури Джейн
Каллен Белла
Banana Dana
Stewart Kristen
Каллен Белла
Дегтярёва Настя
Каллен Светланка
Пушкина Катя

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Biography of Robert Pattinson starts ticking on May 13, 1986 in the town of endless rain London. Full name Robert - Robert Thomas Pattinson (Robert Thomas Pattinson). By the way, a little earlier in the family Pattinson got two girls - Lizzy and Victoria. Rob was alive direct child at school is not so good, but very fond of their teachers. His first acting experience, Robert was 12 years, playing a small role in an amateur performance. At the same time he first fell in love and was expelled from school (for details, Rob was alive direct child at school is not so good, but very fond of their teachers. His first acting experience, Robert was 12 years, playing a small role in an amateur Performance. At the same time he first fell in love and was expelled from school (for details, Rob was alive direct child at school is not so good, but very fond of their teachers. His first acting experience, Robert was 12 years, playing a small role in an amateur Performance. At the same time he first fell in love and was expelled from school (for details, Rob was alive direct child at school is not so good, but very fond of their teachers. His first acting experience, Robert was 12 years, playing a small role in an amateur Performance. At the same time he first fell in love and was expelled from school (more on this incident is not Rob was alive direct child at school is not so good, but very fond of their teachers. His first acting experience, Robert was 12 years, playing a small role in an amateur performance. At the same time he first fell in love and was expelled from school (for details, Rob was alive direct child at school is not so good, but very fond of their teachers. His first acting experience, Robert was 12 years, playing a small role in an amateur Performance. At the same time he first fell in love and was expelled from school (for details, Rob was alive direct child at school is not so good, but very fond of their teachers. His first acting experience, Robert was 12 years, playing a small role in an amateur Performance. At the same time he first fell in love and was expelled from school (for details, Rob was alive direct child at school is not so good, but very fond of their teachers. His first acting experience, Robert was 12 years, playing a small role in an amateur Performance. At the same time he first fell in love and was expelled from school (more on this incident is not very interesting). Later in the biography of Robert Pattinson notes the transition from the amateur scene to a more professional productions. Robert gets into the theater Barnes Theatre Club, where he taught basic tricks of acting. In the theater he played in three major productions, one of which was immortal Macbeth. It later admitted himself, Robert Pattinson, the fate of so actively pushing it into mainstream acting, although he had always dreamed of becoming a pianist in a cozy It later admitted himself, Robert Pattinson, the fate of so actively pushing it into mainstream acting, although he had always dreamed of becoming a pianist in a cozy lodnonskih pubs, not be an actor, he just could not. In 2003, Robert gets first big role in the indie flick - in the film Ring of the Nibelungs. This fantasy saga based on the Scandinavian myths caused a great resonance in the global film circles. And although the Robert mentions that before Ring was still a movie Christmas with his participation, it is considered to be the ring of his first movie. Almost immediately after the first movie came out second with Robert Pattinson in a cameo - the movie Vanity Fair. Then Rob got a really brilliant role. In the film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire he received and acted magnificently in the end Cedric Diggory, captain of the Faculty of magic school, and just great guys. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Almost immediately after the first movie came out second with Robert Pattinson in a cameo - the movie Vanity Fa

Мои интересы

loves music and plays the piano and guitar

Любимые цитаты

- Leo fell in love with a poor lamb.
- What a stupid lamb.
- Well, the lion - just a masochist.

- Previously, I had not thought much about death ... But, in my opinion, give my life for a loved one - not the worst death!

- Death - is a quiet, easy life harder ...
When you could live forever, what do you live?
Fall in love with a vampire, scary and romantic ....

Loneliness is when you talk to TV, pyanstvuesh with washing machine, then beat face air-conditioner and refrigerator crying ...

Often, what we value, is actually a pacifier, but really valuable things we do not attach value.

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I'm with you.

No person deserves your tears, but those who deserve it, not make you cry.

Just because someone does not love you the way you want, does not mean that he does not love you with all my heart.

This one - is the one who will hold your hand and feel your heart.

The worst way to miss someone - is to be with them and understand that he will never be yours.

Never stop smiling, even when you're sad: someone might fall in love with your smile.

Perhaps in this world you just man, but for someone you are - the whole world.

Do not cry because it ended up. Smile because it was.

There will always be people who will hurt you. We must continue to trust the people to just be more careful.

Become a better and understand who you are before you meet a new person and hope that he will understand you.

Do not attach so much effort, the best happen unexpectedly

Saying "I love you" - it's hard.
Saying "sorry" - even more difficult.
Saying "goodbye" - is always possible.
Saying "go away" - even though every day.
To say "come back" - not everyone can.
To say "die" - but only to say.
To say "I love you" - of course you can.
But it is very difficult to prove ...

Life - all at the death. fool, he who climbs out of turn.

The ability to forgive - the property of strong. Weaknesses - can not forgive!

Because of their own pride afraid to admit that feel great relief and joy just when around his avatar is burning in the evening inscription "on-line"

Do not place the point where the heart is a comma ...

You can forgive a man anything when you realize that you lose it forever ...

Love is a game in which losing one who loves more ......

Know how to appreciate someone who without you can not. And do not chase for those who are happy without you!

Often we say "I do not like, but at heart we have tears trickling down ...

often we say "goodbye" in the hope of seeing a man again ...

we say "it's all over between us" when everything is just starting. ".

Love does away with time ... Time allows you to forget the love ..

I shut the door in his heart and wrote, no entrance, but the love came and said simply - "I do not know how to read ...

If you want someone to stay in your life, never treat him with indifference!

Smart people - these are the same odorous flowers, one pleasant, but on a whole bunch headache.

If the person you love the way it is, then you love him. If the you're trying to radically change, then you love yourself.

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you move your attention to other things, It comes and softly sits on your shoulder.

Sclerosis can be cured, but can forget about it.)))

Love runs from those who are chasing her, and those who ran away, she throws herself on his neck.

Be realistic - demand the impossible! "

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